Tuesday, January 13

Wisdom & Spirit

The religious leaders on the Council that Stephen was brought before in the book of Acts were:

"...unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking." Acts 6:10
Sophia and Pneuma! Wisdom and Spirit! How the church of Jesus Christ needs both!

I am stunned by Stephen's unbelievable knowledge of the Old Testament as he begins to preach, and of the power of God that rested upon him both in the conviction that was felt after his sermon (7:54) and the signs and wonders that were done before his sermon (6:8).

Stephen is indeed an unusual combination. May God raise up more unusual men!


Vicki Joy Anderson January 15, 2009 at 9:38 AM  

So true! It seems like we all tend to lean harder in one direction. My mom often has to remind me that doctrine alone is not enough, but that we must worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. Easier said than done!