Saturday, January 3

Some Startling and Saddening Pornography Statistics

I've been reading some of the articles of a study regarding pornography that took place at Princeton by various scholars.  Some of the statistics in this study are very startling and very sad:
• Approximately one in four Internet search engines requests is related to pornography (Internet Pornography Statistics, 2008).
• Every second, there are approximately 28,258 Internet users viewing pornography (Internet Pornography Statistics, 2008).
• Every day there are approximately 116,000 online searches for child pornography (Internet Pornography Statistics, 2008).
• Approximately 30 percent of Internet pornography consumers are female (Internet Pornography Statistics, 2008)
• At the November 2002 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 62 percent of the 350 attendees said the Internet had been a significant factor in divorces they had handled during that year. It was further revealed that 68 percent of the divorce cases involved one party meeting a new love interest over the Internet; 56 percent of the divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites; and 33 percent of the divorce cases cited excessive time communicating in chat rooms (a commonly sexualized forum) (Dedmon, 2002).
• the majority of people struggling with sexual addictions and compulsivities involving the Internet are married, heterosexual males (Cooper, Delmonico, & Burg, 2000).

Manning, Jill C, Ph.D., LMFT.  "The Impact of Pornography on Women" 
To make these stats hit home a little more look at it this way, during your lunch break 101,728,800 users are or had been viewing pornography.  Think about how many times you use Google or another search engine to search for whatever it is you search for, well, 25 percent of every search is for pornography.  30 out of a 100 women view pornography though studies show that they do not do so as compulsively as men.  Therefore pornography is not just a male problem.  Divorce is often influenced by pornographic use.  It effects many marriages nowadays negatively.  When you think of people who view pornography don't first think of young, adolescent and college-age single men, but think of married men probably with families.   Finally, sadly, child pornography is a major problem.