Friday, August 15

Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, and the Example of John Piper

I think it is wonderful how John Piper has been giving young pastors the pulpit at Desiring God conferences. John has now invited Mark Driscoll to two conferences, and I have no doubt that he has received a lot of criticism for that among some of his good friends and the wider evangelical community. It is intriguing too to think that not only does John invite Driscoll, but that he has Mark speaking on the biblical use of "harsh language" at DG's latest conference, a topic of which Mark has received the most criticism for in his ministry.

Now John is inviting another gifted young pastor--Matt Chandler. Matt, a pastor of the Village Church in Texas, will be speaking at the forthcoming Bethlehem Conference for Pastors in '09 on the theme of evangelism. John has given him the task of "help[ing] us think about...saving those who think they are saved." After listening to Matt regularly I am convinced that topic is perfect for him and that he will serve the pastors well. Matt has been known to take the Bible to the backside of Bible-belt Christianity that, at times, resembles something more akin to unbelieving Pharasaism. More importantly Matt is thoroughly Gospel-centered. He consistently draws people back to the Gospel in his sermons and is a great example of saturating every sermon with Jesus.

I am thankful for older godly men like Pastor Piper who is willing to give young pastors this opportunity.

May God raise up more older pastors in local churches who are willing to cultivate the gifts of young men and be mentors of them in their community. The pattern that Paul lays out in modeling his life in relationship with Timothy is one that all pastors should be following. I do not think this is only a pastoral responsibility, but that many older Christian men in general should take upon themselves the responsiblity of training young men not necessarily to be pastors but to be godly men.

Thank you Pastor John for being an example of this to wider evangelical world.


edwardallen August 16, 2008 at 4:13 PM  

man. i wish i could sit in the corner of a room with these three guys and just take it all in.