Sunday, March 23

Jesus Has Risen from the Dead and established New Creation

NT Wright states:

"The very shape of the poem [Col. 1.15-20] insists that Jesus' resurrection, as a one-off event, is an act not of the abolition of the original creation but of its fulfillment: the same Messiah and lord is the one through whom all things were made in the first place, the one in whom all things cohere, the one in and through whom all things are now brought into a new relationship with creator God and with one another...with the resurrection itself a shock wave has gone through the entire cosmos: the new creation has been born, and must now be implemented...the resurrection of Jesus himself is the historical event through which the creator's plan to rescue the world from sin and death has been decisively inaugurated, following the death whereby sin was itself dealt with." (p. 239, 240)