Tuesday, February 26

Text-Context: Mark Driscoll's Tearful Introduction of John Piper

One thing I was struck by at the Text/Context conference was Mark Driscoll's tearful introduction of John Piper. (No, I'm not there I'm viewing the live feed.) I have listened to Pastor Driscoll preach from Mars Hill and various conferences around the globe and never heard him or seen him begin to cry. Now this may seem like a weird thing to blog about or even mention, but I found it very moving, in fact I felt much the same way. Mark recovered well, something I would not have been able to do if I was given the same task.

I can't imagine introducing Pastor Piper, as there are few who have influenced me more in my life. I think, Mark felt the same way. He was overwhelmed with joy and with thankfulness to God for Pastor John and he become visibly overcome with emotion. It seemed that Mark was particularly effected by how God has used Piper to shape his own life and how Piper has shaped many around him and was quickened to call other men to learn from Piper.

Why blog this? Well, because I think we as younger men whether pastors or just Christians need to show honor to older men who have been faithful men. We need to honor our fathers who have gone before us, be they earthly fathers, spiritual fathers, or both. May this characterize the young pastors of today to show honor, respect, and thankfulness to those who have taught and lived faithfully and pointed to Jesus in word and deed.