Thursday, February 28

Sinclair Ferguson - Emotional Jesus

"'Jesus wept'...Those tears reveal an earthquake of emotions in Jesus's heart. 'He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled' (Jn. 11:33 NIV) is a correct but scarcely adequate translation of words that express the deep inner disturbance and anger of our Lord in the face of Satan's reign in sin and death.

Jesus's sinlessness should not be equated with emotionlessness. The opposite is nearer the truth. His holy humanity experienced heights and depths of emotion unknown by sinful humanity. Seeing human need with perfect clarity, Jesus felt it with unparalleled intensity. Our senses, by comparison our numbered. Thus, the crisis of the death of Lazarus--whom Jesus loved--became the occasion for a yet fuller revelation of the sensitivity of our Lord's holy humanity (Heb. 2:10-11, 14-18, 4:14-16)." (p. 70)
Ferguson, Sinclair. In Christ Alone.