Friday, January 4

A Driftwood Believer

The writer to the Hebrews calls one away from being a Christian akin to a piece of driftwood.

"Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." (2:1)

Donald Guthrie comments: "He is not thinking of a deliberate refusal to heed, but of an almost helpless slipping away--literally to flow past like driftwood in a river. Hence the words, lest we drift away." (p. 81)

Hebrews. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. 2002.

How easy it is just to passively believe the Gospel and not pay close attention to it. We often just assume God's message rather then actively listening to His voice in Jesus. I picture it in this way, we should be anchored to the bedrock of the island of the Gospel not sailing past it like a floating log.