Monday, November 26

Tonight my Cousin came Home

Tonight my cousin came home. Now, for the first time in 8 years he's home.

His characteristic ear to ear smile was on full display this evening and it was matched and mingled with the smiles and laughs of friends and family.

Again, I laugh in the home of my Aunt and Uncle, but this time the laugh is complete because my cousin is laughing with us. The joy is complete because this time he is there.

Tonight I had the pleasure of introducing my wife to him for the first time. I experienced the joy of watching him laugh with my nieces whom he, aside from pictures, has never seen. I watched old friends and family just look at him, amazed and thankful that it actually, really was him in the living room. Tonight I'm thankful to God that my cousin came home.

I am also reminded that my joy should be full each and every day because I am free from the prison of sin. There is so much to be thankful for. So much grace and freedom in my life. I'm free because of Jesus. There is no greater joy than this. I don't always experience it because I don't really acknowledge what I've been set free from, if I really knew the state of my previous confinement my heart would consistently overflow with joy for my Deliverer.

God thank you for the mercy of bringing my cousin home, and thank you for showing me the mercy of Jesus my Deliverer from sin each and every day.


Jenn Stockman November 29, 2007 at 11:14 AM  

This is amazing! YOU are amazing Beej!