Wednesday, November 14

The Idol Factory

Taking my cue from Nate Downey, we all have idols in our hearts and we need to seek them out and crush them. Not only does, as Mr. Downey mentioned, Mr. Patrick and Mr. Driscoll go after issues of idolatry in the human heart, but Mr. CJ Mahaney hits it well in a 3 part series called "The Idol Factory" (scroll down for individual downloads). I can remember listening to these years ago and being quite affected, but like anything after time I easily forget and become unaffected by my idolatry. How I often forget the apostle of love's poignant reminder "Keep yourself from idols." These sermons by all 3 gentlemen should be a means of following apostle John's reminder.

You should make time to listen to these, but if you don't here is the handout CJ provides.