Thursday, November 15

False Teachers are Nice


Grant November 17, 2007 at 10:39 PM  

We need to take heed to what john is warning us about here. I atend a seminary and have a professor I love very much. He is one of the nices men you will ever meet. He though is denying the virgin birth, the Trinity, and many other doctrines that are so precious and vital to our faith. Young kids in the class even if they dissagree with him at first towards the end of the semester begin to agree with him. We need to watch and pray for a genuine revival to take place in our bible colleges; that God would once again cuase our future pastors and leaders to love the life giving truths of the gospel, and stand firm in the faith even if it costs them friends and worldly influnence.
May God cause our hearts to burn with passion and love for the greatness of God's grace and mercy He has freely given to us.