Tuesday, October 16

How to Weaken Pride and Cultivate Humility - CJ Mahaney

As I walked out of the office today my colleague, friend, and brother in Christ, Nate, peaked in my car, glanced at the book on the passenger seat and said "How's humility going for you?" I responded with, "The book is good." He chuckled and said, "Good response." He probably chuckled because he knows I need some serious humility in my life. Don't we all! Well, here are some suggestions for the weakening of pride and the cultivating of humility that CJ Mahaney provides in his book Humility: True Greatness:

1. Reflect on the wonder of the cross of Christ.

As each day begins:
2. Begin your day by acknowledging your dependence upon God and your need for God.
3. Begin your day expressing gratefulness to God.
4. Practice the spiritual disciplines--prayer, study of God's Word, worship. Do this consistently each day and at the day's outset, if possible.
5. Seize your commute time to memorize and meditate on Scripture.
6. Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

As each day ends:
7. At the end of the day, transfer the glory to God.
8. Before going to sleep, receive this gift of sleep from God and acknowledge His purpose for sleep.

For special focus:
9. Study the attributes of God.
10. Study the doctrines of grace.
11. Study the doctrine of sin.
12. Play as much golf as possible.
13. Laugh often, and laugh often at yourself.

Throughout your days and weeks:
14. Identify evidences of grace in others.
15. Encourage and serve others each and every day.
16. Invite and pursue correction.
17. Respond humbly to trials.

(p. 171-172)