Thursday, October 11

The Cure for the Christian's Past Sin

Feeling depressed about your past. Here is some "medication", rather, the cure from the Doctor through Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones:

"Let me sum it up in this way, therefore. You and I--and to me this is one of the great discoveries of the Christian life; I shall never forget the release which realizing this for the first time brought to me--you and I must never look at our past lives; we must never look at any sin in our past life in any way except that which leads us to praise God and to magnify His grace in christ Jesus. I challenge you to do that. If you look at your past and are depressed by it, if as a result you are feeling miserable as a Christian, you must do what Paul did. 'I was a blasphemer,' he said, but he did not stop at that. Does he then say: 'I am unworthy to be a preacher of the gospel?' In fact he says the exact opposite: 'I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful putting me into the ministry, etc.'....That is the way to look at your past. So if, you look at your past and are depressed, it means that you are listening to the devil...Why believe the devil instead of believing God? Rise up and realize the truth about yourself that all the past has gone, and you are one with Christ, and your sins have been blotted out once and for ever."
Spiritual Depression, p. 75-76