Monday, February 9

Millenial Madness

Christopher Wright:

"[The Millenium] means a period of one thousand years. When you think of the amount of controversial theological and popular theories that surround it, it may come as a surprise to learn that the term is actually found in the Bible in six verses of only one single chapter--Revelation 20....

Yet people have built whole timetables, theologies, and complicated schemes of interpreting the rest of the Bible upon their understanding of a phrase that comes just six times in six verses in its final book. Whole denominations have formed around the differences of opinion!...

My point is simply that we need to avoid getting sidetracked into a whole jungle of arcane interpretations, built on shaky assumpitons about a term that occurs in one single short passage and nowhere else in the Bible. That does not mean that it doesn't matter. It means that the millenium probably is not such a central part of what we need to focus on when thinking about the end of the world as some people make it out to be." The God I Don't Understand, 164.


edwardallen February 9, 2009 at 6:37 PM  

bradon - my amilenial friend - you are a gem!

BJ Stockman February 11, 2009 at 3:45 PM  

Miss ya man. Looking forward to your coming. Do you have the day and the hour yet?