Thursday, September 4

Thoughts on Politics after Live-Blogging Both Parties

Let's make this clear: I like politics and am a Christian, and one who finds the idea of a "Christian nation" without the person of Jesus Christ bodily present dangerous. I'm looking to Jesus coming and establishing new heavens and new earth as King. The value of this kingdom is not one nation under God but many nations made as one under the Triune God.

I find abortion horrendous and think it matters even when not politically expedient to talk about. The idea that the economy is the main issue displays that we've got issues. As long as "potential" human beings are being killed it matters. I believe that a fetus is a baby. When many, including myself, at times, says: "O, your pregnant. Is it a boy or a girl?" The "it" is a human being created in the image of God.

I don't think kids in public schools should be forced to pray in school. Taking "prayer" out of schools was not the downfall moment in American history. This is contrary to Carman.

The state as state is to "bear the sword" to enforce justice in the land. This does not mean Christians, as individuals, are to "bear the sword," but it may mean Christians as members of the state, in fact, must at times use the sword. This means militaristic decisions and actions can be made by Christians in office.

However, chiefly, Christians must remember that they represent Jesus who did not take the sword and did not come (at first) to establish an earthly kingdom but died for sinners. He called His people to follow a path of suffering and not a path of militancy.

Conservative arrogance is disgusting.

If image and magnetic personality is what wins political elections (probably mostly due to the medium of television) then Obama and Palin are in and McCain and Biden are out. And if image and personality determines election we have deep problems. Jesus the Messiah and Paul the Apostle would never have won an election, nor would they have ran for one.

Here are my favorite lines from the two conventions:

"America needs to be known for the power of example rather then an example of power." President Bill Clinton (quote paraphrased).

"...Martha opened the door of her classroom. In walked 27 veterans, some wearing uniforms from years gone by, but each one carrying a school desk. As they carefully and quietly arranged the desks in neat rows, Martha said, 'You don't have to earn your desks...these guys already did...No one charged you for your desk. But it wasn't really free. These guys bought it for you. And I hope you never forget it.' I wish we all would remember that being American is not just about the freedom we have. It's about those who gave it to us." Governor Mike Huckabee

"I was blessed by misfortune." Senator John McCain