Saturday, June 21

Oaxacan Thoughts

1. Celebrations in the streets. Oaxacan's dancing, musical instruments blaring, laughing, and clapping. Can you imagine this happening in the US? I grab a bunch of friends and we all go down the streets with drums, horns, maybe dress up in a 20' tall paper-mache looking person and march. It would be a bit odd. Here it is normal. Communal celebration is not an oddity. We do it around NFL televised football games and scream...they do it in the streets together....well, and watching soccer around the TV.

3. The streets are bustling with people. Cars have no regard for humanity. The right-of-way is never a pedestrian right. The streets are tight and constricted. Making out is common on the side of the road and buildings as well as selling in the streets. Love and marketing.

4. Mexican men like there woman busty and beautiful. Forget the skinny, anorexic models of the US. Women are women here, rather than white toothpicks.

5. I feel like Yao Ming does in the US towering over all who pass by.

6. Don't drink the water.

7. With Kate anyplace is the place to be.

More later....


Suz July 3, 2008 at 11:21 PM  

Read all of your comments on Oxaca and saw the pictures on Kate's
blog. Wow, sounds like you had an interesting trip.

So, glad you got to have such and experience.

Love, Aunt Suz