Wednesday, August 12

Your Favorite Sport? Wisdom or Wickedness

Proverbs 10:23:

"Doing wickedness is like sport to a fool,
And so is wisdom to a man of understanding."
This verse challenged me to ask the question: What is my favorite sport? Wisdom or wickedness. Just as I derive pleasure from sports, I should derive pleasure from living and thinking wisely and practically with godly insight.

What if men tossed back ideas on how to live wisely with the same pleasure and passion that accompanies memorizing stats, naming every member of their favorite team, setting up fantasy leagues, predicting how every NFL team will finish this year, and committing to watching countless sporting events on TV .

The same pleasure that comes from your favorite sport should come from walking in wisdom.

Of course sports is a good thing not a bad thing, but even the best things can become desperately wicked. Are you choosing wisdom or wickedness? What sport are best at?