Friday, March 13

Jesus is not Soft

For my morning Bible-readings I came across some passages in the Psalms that were a bit, well, bloody.

"The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked." Ps. 58:10
Lest one think that is just an OT Psalm, my Bible-reading-plan led me to Jesus' words about those who get slothful toward his coming and begin to engage in drunkeness and obnoxious revelry; those who lose their sober-mindedness toward his Return:
"...the master of the slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know, and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Mat. 24:50-51
Not exactly a Bible-verse your kids are going to find in Sunday School Bible-memory drills, or the Bible-verse laden sweathshirt you will purchase for your Grandma next Christmas.

Jesus' cutting people into pieces isn't exactly what we want to hear, but there it is in your Bible. When the Son of Man comes to earth for the second time it is not to die humbly on a cross, but to gather the elect and punish the wicked.

Any Christian pacifist will cease to be one someday, because Christ will be leading the final war.
The book of Revelation is quite clear.

How should we then respond to this? Should I get out my sword? No, I should live a life that seeks to die daily to myself and for others, trusting that vengeance is not mine to take, but will be taken someday by my Lord, and it will be swift, ferocious, and just. I should also tell of the Jesus, the Lamb, who died in the place of sinners, and saves all who call on His name, because the Day is coming when He will not save, but will damn.

This is sobering--Jesus is not soft, but he is loving, and holy, and righteous, and good. Turn to him all the ends of the earth and be saved, because the day is coming when every eye will see Him come again and some will cry out for rocks to fall upon them in fear of His coming.