Helping Boys Become Men
As a Christian man in this culture with no mark for manhood, Dr. Poythress has a helpful article on how to transition boys to men. As a married man who is not a father, but is looking forward to being one, these kind of tools are wonderful.
He gives some specific training ideas that he and his wife use like prayer, Bible-reading, finances, etiquette, day-long-retreat with dad, etc. When the boy is ready they do a celebratory event marking the transition to manhood.
One part that was particularly interesting is this section on how he treats his boys after they become men (keep in mind this is a 14 year-old):
"When our boy becomes a man, lots of changes take place in many areas, some big, some small. As a man, he no longer needs a baby-sitter. He can baby-sit younger children himself. He sets his own bedtime and rising time. He decides when he does his homework and how long he works on it. He decides what TV programs he watches and how long he watches. He can (at first with supervision) teach a children's Sunday school class. He participates in the "family council" when my wife and I discuss, plan, and make important decisions. He can buy and care for his own pet. He excuses himself from the table rather than being asked to be excused. He buys his own clothing, school supplies, and gifts. He pays rent once a month, based on an estimate of his share in the utilities, food, and other costs. And he has an allowance to match these new responsibilities! In addition, if I pay him to do an extra job, I pay him at a going rate-at least the minimum wage, and more than that for jobs that are demanding."
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