Saturday, October 3

They Have Healed the Brokenness of My People Superficially

The prophet Jeremiah:

"Everyone is greedy for gain,
And from the prophet even to the priest
Everyone deals falsely.
They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially,
Saying , 'Peace, peace,'
But there is no peace." (6:13-14)
Any brokenness that is healed without the person and work of Jesus Christ is a superficial healing. The answer to human brokenness--be it in marriage, sexuality, child-rearing, friendships, drugs, etc.--is always Jesus. To withhold Jesus as the answer, or to make Jesus peripheral and something else central, even if that something else is a good thing, even a biblical thing, is to heal God's people superficially.

Pastors--priests and prophets--who leave out Jesus or who just tag him on the end of sermons and books and counseling sessions like a bumper-sticker are superficial pastors healing God's people with superficiality, which is no healing at all.

This breaks God's heart. God sent his Son to heal the brokenness of His people. Jesus is sufficient for every level of human brokenness.