"In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence." Heb. 5:7
We do not have records of Jesus laughing, but we do so of his tears. This is a comfort to me. Not because Jesus never laughed, I am confident He did, and did so with deep belly-laughs, but there is something significant about the tears of Jesus. It shows the world that God is with us in suffering.
Jesus cried. He wept hard with prayer and supplication. Life was not lived casually by Jesus. He knew the stakes. He was aware of the cross, his own death. His mission inspired an intercession accompanied by weeping.
I cannot imagine what it must of looked like to see Jesus cry.
I was talking to my sister(-in-law) yesterday talking about how good it made her feel to see her dad cry. I can relate. Not because it's enjoyable to see one hurt and be saddened, but because there is something so human, something so connected with the reality of the state-of-the-world exhibited when one close to you cries.
Jesus wept. What a sight that must have been: God's weighty tears. In Jesus, God wept for the world. God is not a deist. God is not detached from suffering humanity. He became human and entered into the curse of the world, indeed became a curse for all who would trust Him so that the curse would be removed.
Therefore no tears in heaven.
Seeing tears in this world is good because it is a human emotion that expresses that something is wrong with the world. There will be no tears in heaven because what's wrong will be under the feet of Jesus and all will be made right. On this earth tears are healthy and right. In the new heavens and the new earth where righteousness dwells tears will be wiped away forever.
God revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ. This means God revealed Himself by death and suffering.
God is good. One of the greatest proofs of that is He did not exempt Himself from the suffering of humanity. God is sovereign. One of the greatest proofs of this is that He willingly laid down his life. His sovereignty is on display by letting the Romans and Jews, yea, you and I, put Him to death. Sovereign humility usurped sovereign earthly power. He did this in order to defeat death. He destroyed the enemy by using the very weapon of the enemy and triumphing over in resurrection. The Father heard the loud cries and tears of His Son's prayers and answered in resurrection so that Jesus "became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him" (Heb. 5:9). Embedded in the tears of Jesus was
this joy set before him. The horrid enemy of death, the enemy of everyman, was defeated by the God-man who died. The defeat is proven by the resurrection of Jesus.
God, revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, is not aloof. He weeps with those who weep. He is near to the brokenhearted. He died for the sins of the world. This is good news for sad and suffering people. For all who trust Jesus, His death is the pathway to eternal salvation.
The loud cries and tears of Jesus create a louder hope.